40+ of the Best FIRE Blogs (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

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40+ of the Best FIRE Blogs (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

The FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement is growing quickly. There are many blogs and podcasts dedicated to the subject and everything that’s involved in reaching financial freedom.

With so many great resources out there, I thought it would be useful to put together a collection of the best FIRE blogs. Here you’ll find more than 40 blogs that can help you on your own journey toward early retirement.

Related reading: 50+ of the Best Personal Finance Blogs You Should Be Following

The Best Financial Independence Retire Early Blogs

Here is our top fire blogs list. You’re sure to find plenty of content that will help you on your own journey.

1. Mr. Money Mustache

Mr. Money Mustache and his wife retired from their day jobs in 2005, while in their 30’s, thanks to effective money management and investing. He started his early retirement blog after seeing and hearing so many friends struggling with basic money management. This popular FIRE blog covers topics related to saving and personal finance and is easily one of the most well-known financial independence blogs.

2. Retire by 40

Joe Udo

Joe Udo started Retire by 40 in 2010, and at 38 years old he retired from an engineering career to be a stay-at-home dad and blogger. He writes about investing, including passive income like real estate, and Retire by 40 has earned its reputation among the top FIRE blogs. If you want to learn more about effectively managing and investing your money, this is a great blog.

3. ChooseFI


ChooseFI is known within the FIRE community for having an incredibly popular podcast, but the site also includes a very active financial independence blog with a growing number of articles. Some of the articles are written by Jonathan and Brad, the co-hosts of the podcast, but there are many other writers involved as well. You’ll learn about topics like frugal living, credit card rewards, side hustles, and investing.

4. Millennial Money

Grant Sabatier

Millennial Money is a personal finance blog that was founded by Grant Sabatier, who reached financial independence at 30 years old. In 2020, Grant sold Millennial Money to The Motley Fool, although he continues to be involved with the site. As one of the top FIRE blogs, Millennial Money covers topics related to saving, making more money, and early retirement. There is a wealth of content in the archives, and new posts are added regularly.

5. Rich and Regular

Rich and Regular

Julien and Kiersten paid off more than $200,000 in debt in five years. They started Rich and Regular in 2017 and it quickly gained popularity within the financial independence and early retirement community. Today, you’ll find written content, podcasts, and videos on the site.

6. Mad Fientist

Mad Fientist

At Mad Fientist, Brandon has a blog and podcast focused on financial independence and achieving it early in life. Both the podcast and blog are excellent resources and The Laboratory includes a handy “Time to FI” calculator and a helpful FI tracker.

7. Early Retirement Extreme

Early Retirement Extreme

Early Retirement Extreme (ERE), by Jacob Lund Fisker, is one of the oldest financial independence blogs. As of early 2022, Jacob’s net worth would allow him to continue his current lifestyle for 151 years, and he has more than enough passive income to cover living expenses. Obviously, he’s someone worth learning from and this is one of the FIRE blogs you should be following.

8. Afford Anything

Paula Pant

Afford Anything is the FIRE blog and podcast of Paula Pant, one of the most popular female FIRE bloggers. Paula achieved financial independence through real estate investing and passive income. Both the blog and podcast cover a variety of topics related to personal finance and money management.

9. Physician on FIRE

Physician on FIRE

Physician on FIRE is written by a physician, Leif, who achieved financial independence at 39 after a nine-year career. He retired from medicine a few years later at the age of 43. Although there is some content that is geared towards other physicians, most of it will be relevant to a much wider audience. The site also includes a few calculators that are quite useful.

10. Our Rich Journey

Our Rich Journey

Our Rich Journey belongs to FIRE bloggers Amon and Christina Browning, originally from San Francisco. They began pursuing financial independence and early retirement in 2011 and were able to retire 8 years later at 39 years old (and with two kids). Today, they live in Portugal and run this popular FIRE blog and a YouTube channel.

11. The Fioneers

The Fioneers

The Fioneers is a FIRE blog started by Jess and Corey in 2018. They’re both in their 30s, work for non-profit organizations, and they started the blog to track their journey. They’re using a Slow FI approach, which allows them to live happier and healthier along the way to the end goal.

12. 1500 Days to Freedom

1500 days

Mr. 1500 (Carl) started his FIRE blog when his goal was to retire in 1500 days by the age of 43. The blog has been around for a while, and he’s now been retired for several years! He now has a net worth of over $2 million and you can track his investment growth on the blog.

13. Frugalwoods


Mrs. Frugalwoods, Elizabeth Willard Thames, writes about achieving financial independence through extreme frugality. Mr. and Mrs. Frugalwoods live on a rural 66 acres, enjoying their life apart from the typical 9 to 5. She is also the author of a book, Meet the Frugalwoods: Achieving Financial Independence Through Simple Living.

14. Go Curry Cracker

Go Curry Cracker

Go Curry Cracker is one of the best fire blogs. It is written by Winnie and Jeremy, a couple that achieved financial independence in their 30s. They made it happen by minimizing expenses in any way possible and saving a high percentage of their income.

15. Think Save Retire

Think Save Retire

Think Save Retire was started by Steve Adcock, who retired from full-time work at 35. Steve and his wife now travel the country in an Airstream. In 2019, Steve sold Think Save Retire. A few years later, the blog is still very active and highly useful. You’ll find articles written by several different authors that cover all aspects of personal finance.

16. Millennial Revolution

Millennial Revolution

Millennial Revolution is a financial independence retire early blog run by a couple, Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung, who built a 7-figure portfolio in their 30s. They now travel the world without the need for a 9-to-5 job. They’ve built a great community and their FIRE blog posts generate a lot of discussion in the comments section.

17. Campfire Finance

Campfire Finance

Campfire Finance is different than any of the other blogs on this list. It is a community-oriented site that curates the best FIRE-related content from various blogs. If you’re looking for a place where you can go to find great content from a variety of sources, this is the place.

18. Our Next Life

Our Next Life

At Our Next Life, you can read about Tanja Hester and Mark Bunge (Tanja writes the blog posts) and their early retirement experience. They both retired in 2017 at the ages of 38 and 41. Now they spend a lot of time outdoors enjoying their financial freedom. Tanja is also the author of a book called Work Optional: Retire Early the Non-Penny-Pinching Way.

19. A Purple Life

A Purple Life is written by an anonymous blogger in her early 30s. In 2015, at 25 years old, she calculated a 10-year plan to retire at 35 years old. However, after some financial and lifestyle changes, she was able to cut that time in half and she actually retired in 2020. She lives on about $20,000 per year (also known as “lean FIRE”) and her blog posts provide lots of details about her approach to early retirement.

20. Early Retirement Now


Early Retirement Now is the blog of Karsten, who retired early after a career in economics. His wife is a former nurse (RN) and also retired early. Karsten writes about a variety of financial topics.

21. Tread Lightly, Retire Early

Tread Lightly Retire Early

Angela has built a great community around her blog, with a lot of comments on most posts. She’s in her 30s and working towards financial independence. She doesn’t plan to retire early but wants to be able to work by choice instead of out of necessity.

22. Mr. Tako Escapes

Mr. Tako Escapes

Mr. Tako reached financial independence at 38 years of age. On his site, you can see his current net worth (over $4 million) and his annual dividend income (over $60,000). During most of his career, he made less than $100,000 per year, and he and his wife also have 2 kids, so he’s an excellent example of what’s possible.

23. Mr. Free at 33

Mr. Free at 33

Mr. Free at 33 is Jason Fieber, who, as you may have guessed, reached financial freedom at 33 years old. He has a really inspiring story of overcoming a rough childhood to get where he is today. Now, Jason lives in Thailand and coaches others on financial independence.

24. Financially Alert

Financially Alert

Financially Alert is one of my favorite early retirement blogs. Michael Quan retired from the corporate world in 2012 at the age of 36. He currently has a net worth of just under $3 million but has a long-term goal of $10 million. In addition to being a FIRE blogger and coach, he’s also a stay-at-home father. Michael also has an awesome resource called the F.I.R.E. Planner: A Step-by-Step Workbook to Reach Your Full Financial Potential.

25. Reach Financial Independence

Pauline Paquin

Reach Financial Independence is the blog of Pauline Paquin. She’s in her late 30’s and left her full-time job in 2010 to start freelance writing. She now lives in Guatemala and writes for a few money and travel blogs.

26. Accidental FIRE

Accidental FIRE

Accidental FIRE is the blog of Dave, a guy in his late 40s who achieved financial independence somewhat “accidentally”. Dave worked hard, saved as much as he could, and invested regularly, but he wasn’t necessarily pursuing financial independence. Once he came across Mr Money Mustache’s blog and was introduced to the concept of FIRE, Dave realized he had already reached financial independence, according to the 4% rule. Dave still works part-time and continues to publish content on his FIRE blog.

27. Abandoned Cubicle


Cubert is an anonymous blogger with the goal of retiring early. He lives in the midwest with his wife and two kids. On the blog you’ll find articles about frugal living, real estate, and much more.

28. Tawcan


Tawcan is a “Taiwanese Canadian’s quest for joyful life & financial independence.” Bob Lai’s goal is to reach financial independence by 2025 when he’ll be in his early 40’s. He publishes articles about his dividends, as well as many other topics.

29. Can I Retire Yet?

Darrow Kirkpatrick

Can I Retire Yet is a blog founded by Darrow Kirkpatrick. Darrow has also written a book called Can I Retire Yet? Darrow retired at 50 and most of the articles on this FIRE movement blog cover topics like saving, investing, retiring, and financial freedom.

30. Minafi


At Minafi, Adam blogs about minimalism, mindfulness, and financial independence. He is in his late 30s and he started the site in 2016 as he progressed on his own journey toward minimalism and financial independence.

31. JLCollinsNH

JL Collins

JL Collins has been around the financial independence movement longer than just about anyone. He’s also written an extremely popular book titled The Simple Path to Wealth. On his financial independence blog, you’ll find articles on money, life, travel, and business.

32. Root of Good

Root of Good

Justin saved and invested enough to be able to retire at age 33 in 2013. His wife retired 3 years later. Now they enjoy life with their 3 kids and Justin runs the Root of Good blog.

33. Route to Retire

Route to Retire

Jim, the blogger behind Route to Retire, reached $1 million net worth in 2017. He retired in 2018 and moved from the United States to Panama with his family in 2019. Jim is an excellent example of someone who used geographic arbitrage to reach financial independence.

34. TuppennysFIREplace


Tuppenny and her husband are on a journey towards financial independence. At one time she was a single teenage mom, and on the blog she writes a lot about frugality, saving money, and living on less.

35. Freedom is Groovy

Freedom is Groovy

Freedom is Groovy is run by a couple known as Mr. and Mrs. Groovy. Mr. Groovy has also written a book titled The Groovy Guide to Financial Independence: How to Escape the Tyranny of Mandatory Toil in 14 Years or Less.

36. Inspire to FIRE

Inspire to FIRE

Inspire to FIRE is the blog of a guy named Chris who is pursuing financial independence. At his blog, you’ll find a lot of content related to investing and other aspects of pursuing FI.

37. Leisure Freak

Leisure Freak

Leisure Freak is written by Tommy, who retired at 51 after a 31-year career in the telephone industry. He covers topics like funding early retirement, frugal living, and non-financial aspects of early retirement.

38. The Escape Artist

Escape Artist

The Escape Artist retired in 2014 at the age of 43 after he’d built a portfolio to support his family of 5. His blog has been around for about 6 years and there’s a lot of great content in the archives.

39. MoneyMow


MoneyMow is the blog of Carl, a 29-year-old from Denmark. He plans to retire in 5 years when he is 34. He writes about topics like saving and investing, as well as his own FIRE journey.

40. Aussie Firebug

Aussie Firebug

Aussie Firebug is written by, you guessed it, an Australian pursuing financial independence. This anonymous late 20’s FIRE blogger’s strategy involves investing in real estate and low-cost index funds.

41. Retire by 45

Retire by 45

Retire by 45 is the blog of Dylin and Allison, a couple living in California. They have an interesting retirement story. They hadn’t planned to retire early but were both laid off from their jobs, and they fell in love with newfound freedom.

42. Freedom 35 Blog

Freedom 35

Freedom 35 is written by a single guy in his 30s living in Vancouver, Canada. He invests in a lot of different things, including private mortgages, precious metals, and farmland.

Final Thoughts on the Best FIRE Blogs

If you’re looking to achieve financial freedom and have the ability to live and work on your own terms, the best FIRE blogs listed here are sure to provide plenty of help, guidance, and inspiration.

These financial independence bloggers are dedicated to helping others like yourself, and many of them have already reached their own goals related to early retirement.

READ NEXT: 50+ Financial Freedom Quotes to Motivate and Inspire

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